International Express query API|Home page
Post Shipments\Track Global Postal

Pls make sure your No. for international postal, Other Logistics: DHLUPSFedexTNTGLSAramexFLYTHH-EXPSFCXRU

ResultsNot Found(0)/Transporting(0)Pick Up(0)/Delivered(0)
Number Origin Destination Events Status Operate
  1. The tracking is complete, (View Official Data) will be appear by the bottom side of the tracking number. It will shift to the offical website and track automatically when you clicked.
  2. The tracking is complete, (Statistics) will be appear by the right side of the tracking number, Compare all shipping method of shipping time from origin country to the destination country when you clicked.
  1. Tracking status description:
  2. Unknown ->The system doesn't recognize the number belongs to which country the postal, If you are sure what's the destination country, You may click (Modify) and track for destination country post, We will be automatically registered and identify support.
  3. Unable To Track ->Official doesn't support online tracking.
  4. Normal Tracking ->Normal tracking, And already have the tracking results.
  5. Not Found ->Normal tracking, But there isn't information for this number.
  6. Web Error ->Access server error, Maybe the server of the destination country is temporarily unable to connect.
  7. Process Error ->Processing tracking result error, Maybe caused by destination data format change, We will check it later.
  8. In Error (Use Cache) ->Tracking error, Display historical data, Maybe the server of the destination country is temporarily unable to connect or caused by destination data format change, We will check it later.
  9. Server Busy ->The destination country server prompts system busy.
  10. Server Busy (Use Cache) ->The destination country server prompts system busy, Display historical data.
  1. Events description:
  2. Display the last transport information, If you want detailed information, Click (Operate->Details).
  3. To avoid unnecessary pressure on the server, For a short period of time the same number multiple tracking, We will use the server's cache data, Because the tracking result are not likely to change in a short period of time.
  4. Tracking Consuming ->Tracking time consumed by the number.
  5. Cache Time ->The current tracking result when acquired official data, We will use the cache result when a tracking error has occurred or a short period of time the same number multiple tracking, If don't display cache time, It means the result is currently track.
  1. Package status description:
  2. Not Found ->Not found the information, Maybe the courier hasn't been accepted this order yet.
  3. Transporting ->The item is in transit.
  4. Pick Up ->Item has been arrived in its destination country, Can try to contact with local post office to collect your item.
  5. Delivered ->The item has been delivered successfully, And display the total delivery times from sent to receive.
  1. Operate description:
  2. Re Track ->Re track for current number of tracking error, Access errors may occur due to the various official server stability, And the uncertainty of the network, Access error may sometimes appear, We recommend that when the tracking is in error, Try to re track a few more times.
  3. Copy ->Copy the tracking result to your clipboard.
  4. Details ->Display the details of the results.
  5. Summary ->Display a summary of the results.